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Dr. Eng. Gadang Priyotomo, ST, M.Si.
(Peneliti Material & Korosi)
Puslit Metalurgi dan Material (P2M2) -LIPI
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd.474 Serpong Tangerang Selatan Banten Indonesia
HP. 0858-8863-6002
Pin. BB : 7ED20F5E

E-mail : gadangp@gmail.com atau onlinemtrl@gmail.com

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2007

E-book (Corrosion of Aluminium)

* Publisher: Elsevier Science
* Number Of Pages: 700
* Publication Date: 2004-12-16
* Sales Rank: 246595
* ISBN / ASIN: 0080444954
* EAN: 9780080444956
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: Elsevier Science
* Studio: Elsevier Science
* Average Rating:
* Total Reviews:

Book Description:

This book highlights the practical and general aspects of the corrosion of aluminium alloys with many illustrations and references. In addition to that, the first chapter allows the reader who is not very familiar with aluminium to understand the metallurgical, chemical and physical features of the aluminium alloys.

The author Christian Vargel, has adopted a practitioner approach, based on the expertise and experience gained from a 40 year career in aluminium corrosion This approach is most suitable for assessing the corrosion resistance of aluminium- an assessment which is one of the main conditions for the development of many uses of aluminium in transport, construction, power transmission etc.

* 600 bibliographic references provide a comprehensive guide to over 100 years of related study
* Providing practical applications to the reader across many industries
* Accessible to both the beginner and the expert

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